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 Home    West University Single Family

West University Single Family

West University Place, 77005
Single Family
  • 3860
  • 0

Property Description

MLS only shows the first 200 listings in a search, so we have broken the results out into price ranges so we can bring you all currently available listings — both for sale and for lease.

West University, Southside Place and Bellaire Listings

Neighborhoods in MLS Area 17 include Bellaire, Southside Place, and West University Place.


Area 17 Single Family Homes, >$2mil

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Area 17 Single Family Homes, $1.5mil-2mil

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Area 17 Single Family Homes, $1mil-1.5mil

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Area 17 Single Family Homes, $800k-1mil

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Area 17 Single Family Homes, $500k-800k

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Area 17 Single Family Homes, <$500k

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Area 17 Single Family Home, For Lease

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Additional Information

Sale or Lease or Both?: Sale Lease Both

In the Area

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