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 Home    Heights Single Family

Heights Single Family

Houston Heights, 77008
Single Family
  • 4441
  • 0

Property Description

MLS only shows the first 200 listings in a search, so we have broken the results out into price ranges so we can bring you all currently available listings — both for sale and for lease.

Heights Listings

Neighborhoods in MLS Area 9 include Houston Heights and Timbergrove.


Area 9 Single Family Homes, >$1mil

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, $750k – $1mil

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, $650k-750k

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, $595k-650k

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, $525k-595k

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Area 9 Single Family Home, $475k-525k

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, $445k-475k

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, $400k-445k

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, $375k-400k

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, $350k-375k

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, $300k-350k

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, $245k-300k

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, $145k-245k

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Area 9 Single Family Homes, <$145

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Area 9 Single Family Home, For Lease >$2500/mo

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Area 9 Single Family Home, For Lease <$2500/mo

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Additional Information

Sale or Lease or Both?: Sale Lease Both